With a clever blunt hooked tip and simple, straightforward structure, the innovative, high-visual orange handled Vital Pack Saw makes the work of dressing big game wonderfully efficient.
With a rubber handle that's structured to fit precisely within your palm as it works to cut through the dense bone using a sawing motion, confidence comes easily. The serrations are configured to increase sawing efficiency, and in tandem with the ergonomically grippy handle, this tool makes short work of getting through even the most challenging parts of the animal. Risk of breaking the bladder or intestines virtually disappears given the saw's blunted tip, ensuring the meat will not be harmed in the dressing process.
The overall length of 6", the Vital Pack Saw's high-visual Vital orange handle is configured for great, solid grip while taking on the tedious task of skinning game. It packs tidily into its fabric sheath, which hooks neatly onto a belt for speedy access and storage.